3 Common HVAC Mistakes Homeowners Make in Winter

3 Common HVAC Mistakes Homeowners Make in Winter

During winter, homeowners use their heating system all the time. However, while using the furnace or heat pump, they make some mistakes that hinder the overall HVAC experience and increase the energy bills. Here are the top three common mistakes homeowners make in winter.


3 Common HVAC Mistakes You Must Avoid in Winter

1. Running the Heating System 24/7

It is the most common mistake that homeowners make is that they keep their heating system on all day long. But when you keep the furnace or heat pump on throughout the day, it consumes a lot of energy and increases the heating bills. Besides, when the heating system is on all the time, it puts a lot of stress on the system, resulting in more wear and tear.

Instead of running the heating system 24/7, you should turn on the heat pump right before using the space. Thus you can protect your heating unit. Also, you can save energy bills.

2. Setting Higher Temperature

Keep in mind that the heating unit doesn’t work like a fan. No matter which temperature you set in, it will take a certain time to reach that temperature setting. Besides, when you select a higher temperature setting, it will put additional stress on the heating unit.

Pro-Tip: When you’re at and not sleeping, you can set the thermostat setting to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. But before going to bed, you can lower the settings by 10-12 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus you will enjoy a comfortable sleep. Besides, you will be able to save energy at the same time. 

3. Not Changing the HVAC Filter

Usually, winter is very dry, and when it is dry out there, there will be more dust in the environment. But it also means that the HVAC filter will be more exposed to these dust particles and get clogged very quickly.

When you have a clogged air filter, it will block the HVAC airflow, resulting in less efficiency. So during winter, change the HVAC filter more frequently. Also, before the start of each season, you must replace or clear the air filter. This way, the IAQ will be higher, and your HVAC unit will perform efficiently.



Apart from avoiding these mistakes, ensure that you do seasonal HVAC maintenance. With seasonal heating system maintenance, you can keep the heating unit in tip-top condition.


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