Should You Really Clean the HVAC Air Duct

Should You Really Clean the HVAC Air Duct?

A clean HVAC air duct will allow you to enjoy high IAQ and get optimum performance from your air conditioning or HVAC unit. As a responsible homeowner, this is why you should clean the HVAC ducts regularly. But many homeowners doubt the effectiveness of cleaning the air ducts. Is it really ineffective, or has advantages?


3 Benefits of HVAC Air Duct Cleaning

1.      Eliminates Foul Odor from Your Space

As a homeowner, you wouldn’t want your house to smell bad. But when you have a clogged air duct, your home will get filled with an unpleasant odor and make your house unwelcoming. Things will turn out worse when there is mildew inside the air ducts. Not only will it make your house smell like rotten fish, but it will also make everyone in your house ill. But you won’t have to deal with any of these by cleaning the air ducts every 3-4 years.

While cleaning the air ducts, ensure that you’re using a biological cleaning agent. If you use a chemical agent, it will create a foul odor in your house.

2.      Increases the HVAC Efficiency

When the air ducts are clogged, it hinders the airflow, and thus the HVAC system will have to operate longer to supply the required airflow. This puts a lot of stress on the unit and eventually will lead to system damage. However, when the air ducts are clean, your HVAC system will get enough air supply and operate smoothly. This way, your AC, or heat pump will always have a higher efficiency.

3.      Reduces Diseases Transmission Risk

By cleaning the air ducts regularly, you can also eliminate disease transmission risks. When you have dirty air ducts, rice rats, cotton rats, and white-footed mice will start living inside the air ducts. And these animals can spread diseases such as Hantavirus, Chloro-meningitis, and other life-threatening diseases. However, when the air ducts are clean, these creatures won’t live inside the air ducts, and thus there won’t be any risk of disease transmission.


Bottom Line

So the bottom line is that you must clean the AC air ducts at regular intervals. If you haven’t cleaned the air ducts in 3-4 years, you should contact an air duct cleaning company and clean the air ducts.

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